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Massarouco Reserva da Biosfera de Santana


The project CPLP Network of Biosphere Reserves seeks to strengthen the cooperation and competencies of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves within the CPLP.

This initiative contributes to the convergence of nature and biodiversity conservation with socioeconomic development within the CPLP, by fostering capacity-building for efficient planning and management related to climate change, especially in emerging countries, with a focus on empowering women, young people, local communities, and marginalized groups.

Capacity-building and consolidation

In order to strengthen networks' technical skills, a participatory diagnosis of training requirements was conducted.

This analysis enabled the identification of the main priorities for the reserves, resulting in the realization of four training actions throughout 2022:

1) Biosphere Reserves and MaB Program

2) Sustainable Tourism in the Reserves
3) Ecosystem Services in the Reserves
4) Project Management and Digital Marketing

Implementation of pilot initiatives

- Sustainable Tourism in the Biosphere Reserves
- Ecosystem Services in the Biosphere Reserves
- Productive Food Landscapes in the Biosphere Reserves

Meeting of CPLP Network of Biosphere Reserves

To reinforce networking, the functions and competencies of this project, the 1st Meeting of the CPLP Network of Biosphere Reserves was held as a moment to publicly launch the network and boost its activities, to share information, discuss future initiatives and promote the Biosphere Reserves of the CPLP to the general public and other relevant actors.

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