Year of creation
Paul do Boquilobo was the first Portuguese protected area to join UNESCO's World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Since 1981 it has been recognized for its importance as an interior wetland, a type of aquatic ecosystem that was severely depleted by unregulated drainage for agriculture over the years, all over Portugal.
Sheltered by the Almonda River just before it flows into the Tejo River at the edge of Rabo-dos-Cágados, the Biosphere Reserve of Paul do Boquilobo is home to a mixed colony of herons, spoonbills, and other North African species, as well as large populations of Anatidae from northern Europe, resulting from the inherent variability and availability of water. Its ornithological value and service to migratory populations is reflected in its classification as a Natural Reserve in 1980, which was reinforced in 1999 with the creation of the Area of Special Protection as part of the Network Natura 2000.
This Biosphere Reserve extends over the parishes of Azinhaga, Golegã, Pombalinho and the Union of Parishes of Brogueira, Parceiros de Igreja and Alcorochel, covering a total area of 5896 hectares.
This region is characterized by the connection between natural resources and the profitability of its services, in which agriculture and fishing are the predominant sectors. Nowadays, there is an emerging agricultural sector that is increasingly focused on sustainable practices and sensitive to biodiversity-enhancing measures. The Avieiros, who once navigated the abundant river flows to fish for sustenance, are now represented by groups of recreational and professional fishermen capable of recognizing and defending the endemic natural heritage.